Incurable Unsound Mind

UNSOUND MIND Person of unsound mind is said to be any person, who is not a minor and who, not having been found to be a mentally disordered person is incapable…

Conversion To Another Religion

As per the provisions of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 and section 13, various grounds for divorce have been given. Adultery, cruelty, conversion or apostasy, desertion, bigamy, incurable unsoundness of…
Customary Divorce

Customary Divorce

A customary divorce is a recognised method of separation without involving the court if such a custom is recognised by marriage laws. Speaking contrary to the general notion prevalent regarding the indissolubility…

Condonation Of Matrimonial Offences

OVERVIEW The term condonation refers to the very forgiveness of matrimonial offence. It is also the restoration of offending spouse to the same position as he he or she occupied…

Adultery Charges Litigation

What is adultery? Adultery is said to be extramarital sex that is considered to be objectionable on various grounds. The activities involved in adultery may vary and so does the…

Maintenance Or Alimony

MEANING AND NATURE The terms alimony and maintenance are related to the ramifications of divorce. The primary purpose of maintenance or alimony is to compensate a spouse for the basic…