

Who is an Unsound Person?

What is unsound mind? A lot of times, in legal language we must have heard of the term unsound mind. One question that always pops in our head is Who…

Are Virtual Hearings Effective?

On 25th March 2020, India came to a standstill as the Prime Minister of India announced a nationwide lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. On 15th April, 2020, when the…

Incurable Unsound Mind

UNSOUND MIND Person of unsound mind is said to be any person, who is not a minor and who, not having been found to be a mentally disordered person is incapable…

Conversion To Another Religion

As per the provisions of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 and section 13, various grounds for divorce have been given. Adultery, cruelty, conversion or apostasy, desertion, bigamy, incurable unsoundness of…
Customary Divorce

Customary Divorce

A customary divorce is a recognised method of separation without involving the court if such a custom is recognised by marriage laws. Speaking contrary to the general notion prevalent regarding the indissolubility…