Mutual consent means that both the parties agree for a peaceful separation. Under Section 13-B of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, the parties can ask for a divorce by mutual…
Divorce does not seem an easy option, therefore, couples try their level best that to make their marriage work. But, things sometimes do not work and lead couples to take…
It sometimes happens that even after frantic efforts, the marriage doesn’t works out and the couple has to take the tough yet wise decision of getting separated and not continuing…
Addressing a long-standing petition of the Sikh community, the Parliament of India passed a law which will allow them to register their marriages under the Anand Marriage Act instead of…
Sikh marriage ceremonies are known as ‘Anand Karaj’ which means blissful event. Earlier, traditional Sikh marriage was not considered a legal marriage. Just like other communities in India, Sikhs wished…
Not every ex- spouse needs to pay divorce alimony, which is also known as spousal maintenance or support. Divorce alimony is granted only when an ex-spouse is not able to…
The term “the standard of living of the marriage” pretty much defines alimony. It is one of the key factors that determine if you are entitled to paying alimony and…
There is a very thin line of difference between Legal Separation and Divorce. But if you look into the minutiae, it is vast. A legal Separation is when the couple…
The Indian Penal Court Section 124-A confirms Sedition as a serious offense committed against the government and the country. The written section 124- A defines sedition as, “Whoever, by words,…